In my search for a source for my claim in my post last night that alcohol should be classified as a Class B drug (which I heard twice on National radio - one from a Lincoln University study, and another from an English academic who was visiting NZ and is an expert on drugs. But evidently they don't keep full archives on their website) I came across this interesting graph on the BBC website. It was from a Science Select Committee inquiry in Britain in 2006. They recommended that a more evidence-based rating system for drugs be introduced, showing the true harm rating of drugs, rather than this Class A B C system that both they and us have, which is widely off the mark. Note Class A drugs that are way down the scale, including Ecstasy (given a bad reputation because old people don't like young people staying up all night and dancing) and LSD (given a bad rep from old squares not liking hippies). Alcohol comes in the fifth most harmful drug, with BZPs close behind (which have been illegal in Britain for some time). But the colouration of the graph best sums things up about our current, dishonest and unconstructive system.
On another note, a couple of my friends who used to take BZP pills tried some of the new pills last night. At the time they said they were crap and had little effect. Don't know about all the varieties, and there are supposedly more on the way, but for those wanting energy, could be best to stick to caffeine and guarana.