Firstly, I am now on the Green Party website, with my candidate bio. So check that out, if you wanna find out a few more details about me and why I´m running as a candidate this election. Also, my Facebook page is getting more and more stuff on it, so check that out too if you haven´t already.
As for the Green Party youth campaign - which I will be heavily involved in upon my return to New Zealand on 5 September - it is about to kick off, and in style. Put August 1 in your diary, as it is the launch of the Young Greens Election Campaign, starting at the Wellington Opera at 6:30pm and then continuing with the Phoenix Foundation and Little Bushmen gig at 8:00pm. The gig side of things is also on Facebook. I wish I could be there, but Mexico´s pretty cool too. Attending will be Young Green and highly ranked awesome candidate Gareth Hughes, and MPs Co-Leader Russel Norman and Metiria Turei.
So with enough links to keep you occupied for a while, I will leave you there. But seriously, the gig should be good - and a may or may not be making some sort of a special appearance maybe perhaps.